Please enter the email used to sign up. * Explain your company in a few sentence. Please describe the core products or services you provide and the nature of the on site operations. *
Do you operate across more than one site? If so, how many? Do you wish to monitor all sites? *
What are your operating hours? *
How many employees do you have on site? *
Do you own or lease the site? *
What is the approximate m2 of the site/s? *
Site contact name *
Site contact phone *
Site contact email *
Parking - Are there height restrictions or building management requirements that our installers should be aware of? *
Is a building induction/ SWMS required before commencement of work? *
What are your company’s key goals? In other words, how does your company define its success? *
What are the top three obstacles your company faces? *
What are you hoping to achieve by working with Energy Allies? List any goals that come to mind. *
How did you hear about us and why did you choose us over other service providers? *
Prior to signing on with us, how was your business managing energy usage/ carbon emissions? *
Who is your current energy provider? How long have you been with them?
What is your current average quarterly energy cost? *
Does your site have solar? How big? How old? *
Please provide any further information relevant to your site, company or operations that you feel may be helpful for us to prepare for installation. I.e. What is the largest piece of equipment you operate?
Alternatively, you may send these attachments to with ‘Energy Allies onboarding attachments’ in the subject line.
Please attach a copy of your energy bills for the previous 12 months. [mfile energy-bills-12-photo filetypes:png|jpg|jpeg min-file:1 max-file:12]
Please attach a photo of your switchboard/s here [mfile switchboard-photo filetypes:png|jpg|jpeg min-file:1 max-file:12]
Upon submission, you will be redirected to book your hardware installation date.