What We Do

We are committed to supporting the commercial and industrial sectors to understand, measure and manage their operational energy consumption.

Energy Allies enables a sustainable future by providing the commercial and industrial
sectors with data driven energy consumption analysis and recommendations that drive the reduction of energy usage.

User data is captured, analysed and leveraged as the evidence base to communicate operational and strategic opportunities that reduce energy consumption, emissions and
costs, guide investment, and support transparent energy reporting.

Installation & Engagement

Reporting & Insights

Intervention & Impact

Review & Goal Setting

The Infrastructure

Our industry leading hardware allows us to remotely monitor energy consumption in any context. Whether it is a single appliance, multiple circuits or several sites, our hardware collects the data we need.

After hardware installation, Energy Allies uses energy monitoring software that turns the data collected into useful information for both the customer and Energy Allies. While the customer is able to access a user friendly dashboard with live insights, Energy Allies is able to analyse the consumption patterns at a granular level over time intervals. This enables a baseline to be established, a benchmark comparison, and opportunities and challenges to be visualised.

The Support

While the infrastructure is critical to achieving a standardised and evidence based approach, Energy Allies offers an end to end solution for your commercial energy requirements.

Not only do we install the hardware and integrate the software, we are committed to being your partner in energy from start to finish. We are a team of diversely skilled professionals with decades of experience in the energy and sustainability space. Our services go beyond traditional metering and verification with a process of understanding your business operations, constraints and goals to ensure that we continue to serve your evolving needs.

What have we identified for our customers?


A slight shift in operational processes is a change that is low cost and high impact. This can be as simple as charging equipment and tools in off peak periods or creating and maximising passive heating opportunities.

Our tailored reports visualise these possibilities in an investment vs impact matrix that is informed by each customers data.


While not all energy can be reduced, it can be more used more efficiently. Our software visualises data in a way that enables hot spots to be identified such as energy intensive appliances. Alternative solutions are analysed and the impact over time is outlined so the customer is able to understand the problem and choose a way forward.

Production & Procurement

As part of our analysis process, we conduct a solar feasibility assessment to understand production possibilities.

We also research possible PPA’s and energy brokerage options so you have a full spectrum understanding of your energy situation in its current state and what options you have moving forward.

For more information on what we do, check out our frequently asked questions or contact us.

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